Panel Discussion on Addictions for Avalon International School-Vashi
Breaking grave news to kids and family- Quoted in MidDay
Procrastination on MagicFM 106.4 - Mental health mondays with RJ Yamini
Womens Day Poem
Mindfulness in everyday life, defining success and quality of life- with RJ Yamini on 106.4 Magic FM
106.4 Magic FM- RJ Yamini Adult ADHD
Workshop for Dentists at Dombivli on Mindfulness and emotional regulation
Red flags for Mental health - 94.3 Radio One FM
Understanding GenZ- RJ Yamini on 106.4 Magic FM
Dr Nahid Dave CV/Resume
Talk on Addictions and Parenting for women at Azad Nagar
"Its okay and not to be an okay" for MorningStar
Ambition and Greed with Morning Star
Appointment Schedule
Poem on 'Family'- Published in Beyond Borders (Official Magazine of SAARC Psychiatric Federation)
Adult ADHD- All your questions answered.
Daily Mirror Newspaper in Srilanka- Quoted on Toxic Positivity
Poem reading at Indian Psychiatric society Subcommitee
Mood Chart
Injectables and long acting anti-psychotics- Webinar